Chilli Black Vulture EPS | Board Store

Chilli Black Vulture EPS

January 17, 2018 1 min read 0 Comments

Chilli Black Vulture EPS


LOCATION: Deep South


FINS: Futures AMT 

The EPS Black Vulture is without doubt one of the fastest most responsive grovellers i've ever stepped foot on.

Conditions this day were far from perfect and if i tried to surf my normal shortboard i definitely would of struggled. The immediate speed from the second my hands left the rails blew me away and once the Vulture was going it seemed no flat section could slow it down. 

Im riding my Black Vulture a good 4 inches shorter than my everyday shortboard. Dropping these 4 inches enabled me to fit turns super tight in the pocket with plenty of room to move.

The Stringered EPS  construction has crazy amounts of spring giving the board plenty of life even in knee high slop.

I found the flyer inline with the fins brought the tail in just enough so that it could turn on a dime but still give you enough hold/control through turns. In saying this i wouldn't recommend surfing the Vulture in waves over 4-5ft, In this sort of size i found it starts skating out and goes way too fast to control.

I surfed the Black Vulture as a twin with stabiliser but from what i've heard it goes insane as a straight thruster or even a quad.

black vulture Chilli surfboards


Black Vulture EPS Review 

Pick one up and take your small wave surfing to the next level.